Event videography with Airpup

Flying Airpup at events is fun and garners a warm response. People notice Airpup and smile, then go back to what they were doing. The curious follow Airpup’s tether back to me and ask questions. Airpup’s slow, silent flight doesn’t alarm or interrupt event goers, allowing me to capture a scene without making one.

I’ve flown at four events. Each one gave a different context to test Airpup. Airpup follows along, pointing halfway between the direction of travel and the wind:

At Thrill the World, dozens of amateur dancers recreated Michael Jackson’s Thriller under a covered basket ball court with a 15’ ceiling. I was able to achieve crane-like camera movements in close proximity to the dancers:

At the Lincoln City Kite Festival winds were 12-18mph. Airpup was rock solid and easy to maneuver around closely packed kites and kite lines. Wind overwhelmed the audio, but the video was very steady:

A calm fall day in a pumpkin patch was just about ideal for maneuvering Airpup around at low altitude over Oregon Heritage Farms. Airpup blends right in, garnering some curiousity without interrupting anyone:

At the Portland Mini Maker Faire, I was on the waterfront, flying with 7-10mph gusts of wind coming through a turbulent obstacle course of buildings and highways. Despite the adverse conditions, Airpup was stable enough moving into the wind to capture overflights moving North to South: