
2017 WE Stand Water Efficiency and Conservation Standard, Section 403.0. ANSI, editor: Mathew Lippincott, published April 2018.

Acquiring Data by Mining the Past: Pairing Communities with Environmental Monitoring Methods through Open Online Collaborative Replication. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Poster, Mathew Lippincott, Geoff Bland, Andy Henry, and David Bydlowski, December 2016.

The Political Geography of Aerial Imaging. New America Foundation Drone Primer, Mathew Lippincott and Shannon Dosemagen, July 2015.

Grassroots Mapping Forum #2-#5, #11. editor issues 2-5, 2011-2014 & issue 11, 2016.

Detritivore Design: How to use trash to create scalable solutions. PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog, Mathew Lippincott, 30 May 2013.

Mapping with Kites in the Age of Drones. PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog, Mathew Lippincott, 28 January 2013.

Mapping Grassroots: Geodata and the structure of community-led open environmental science. Jesse Breen, Shannon Dosemagen, Jeffrey Warren, Mathew Lippincott, ACME: An International E-Journal for Critical Geographies, vol. 14(3).

Civic, Citizen, and Grassroots Science: Towards a transformative scientific research model. Accountability Technologies, Mathew Lippincott, Shannon Dosemagen, Liz Barry, Jessica Breen, and Don Blair. MIT Press, 2013.

Public Lab’s Keys to Developing Low-Cost Science Tools. PBS MediaShift IdeaLab Blog, Mathew Lippincott and Adam Griffith, 22 May 2012.

Technoscience as Activism, Keynote. RPI, Mathew Lippincott, Shannon Dosemagen and Sara Wylie, 2012.

Trade School Journal. New York, 2011.

Grassroots Mapping in Butte Goes Analog. PBS MediaShift Idealab Blog, Mathew Lippincott and Olivia Everett, 13 December 2011.

Grassroots Mapping and DIY Aerospace. RAW: Geographies, Publication Studio, Portland, 2011.

Why I made a Mutoscope. Perfect Wave Magazine, Perfect Wave Gallery, New York, 2010.

Mutoscope for Fernando. Displacements, Obra Social Caja Madrid, Madrid, 2010.